Winchendon Winds Inc Winchendon Winds in concert

Winchendon Winds Inc. is supported by generous donations from community members and businesses. If you'd like to ask about opportunities to advertise in our program or have a banner ad and sponsor listing on this website, please contact us at:

Winchendon Winds Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

Donation Levels and Benefits

BronzeUp to $49Acknowledgement in Win Winds printed programs and website
Silver$50 - $99Above plus...
Block ad space in Win Winds printed program for entire concert series (business card size)
Gold$100 - $499Above plus...
Second block ad space in printed program (equivalent of two business cards)
Link on Win Winds website to your business website
Verbal acknowledgement at concerts
Platinum$500 and upAbove plus...
Your company logo on Win Winds website in addition to link to your business website
VIP seating provided at concerts*
"Behind the scenes" rehearsal attendance**

Receipts will be sent to all donors for your tax records.

*Up to 24 hours prior to concert time, up to 8 friends/family/employees of the Platinum Donor may email Winchendon Winds to receive reserved seating at the concert.

**Up to two friends/family/employees of the Platinum Donor may attend a private rehearsal of Winchendon Winds and experience the band and conductor at work.

Checks may be made out to Winchendon Winds, Inc. and mailed to:

Winchendon Winds, Inc.
206 Monomonac Rd. East
Winchendon, MA 01475

Make a secure donation now with PayPal

Click here to see a sample program with sponsors' ads.